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The Mirror of Race has published several essays dealing with this image of Delia and with Louis Agassiz.

Molly Rogers, in her essay "Fair Women Are Trans­formed into Negresses," discusses the difficulties of writ­ing about oppressed indi­vid­u­als pho­tographed for sci­en­tific pur­poses, and whether it is pos­si­ble to lib­er­ate such peo­ple through an act of imagination.

In a second essay, "Louis Agassiz: Full Face and Profile," Molly Rogers takes a bio­graph­i­cal approach to these pho­tographs of slaves, con­sid­er­ing the images in rela­tion to the per­sonal and pro­fes­sional atti­tudes of Louis Agassiz, the naturalist who com­mis­sioned them.

The series of essays by Helena Machado, Flávio Gomes and John Monteiro examines another set of photographs commissioned by Agassiz, this time in Brazil, to provide evidence for his racial theory.